Today we went to Te oro. when we made it at Te oro a lady introduce us into this room full of maori arts like maori carving, flaxs and many more. we were spilt in to three groups, one group went to flaxing, second group went to clay carving and then the last one went to do art on a rock. Where I went was clay carving. first we had to learn some maori art. there were four different of art, there was the piko, the mangopare, oranga and the te aho ma tua. we had to fold the paper into four pages. then we drawed the piko, it was easy because it was kinda like a wave. the mangopare was kinda difficult because it was kinda like a shark and a sting ray. Oranga was like the heart of te fiti. not really hard. then there was the th aho ma tua. it was a bit hard but I done good. after that all the other groups had finish then we sang a song.
Drawing looks GREAT!!. I like how you explain your specifically. Keep up the great work!!.
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