I am a Year 8 student at Glen Innes School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 6 and my teacher is Mrs Petersen.
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Food tech
every tuesday we go to tamaki college to experience what college is like. Today we cooked veg - up pizza. the ingredient we had was onions, carrots, mushrooms and other stuff. first my partner and I were slicing the mushrooms then we had to put it in a pile. then I had to dice the onions because my partner didn't know how to dice. after that my partner had to grated the carrot into small pieces. next we put them into their own pile so it doesn't get messy. then we had mince, we rolled up the mince into small meat balls. after that we had to put tomato paste on our tortilla.we used tortilla because we didn't have time to make the bread doe. after that we put normal cheese on top of the tomato paste. then we just chuck in the onions, mushroom and the carrots. then we put the mince meatball on our pizza. then we just put it in the oven for like ten minute. then we pull it out from the oven then we just enjoyed our way back.
Friday, 26 June 2020
Math DLO
We were learning about the mean, median, mode and range. we had to revisit this kind of maths because it was in our math tests. at the end of the week we kinda get. see if my math is good.
Te oro

Today we went to Te oro. when we made it at Te oro a lady introduce us into this room full of maori arts like maori carving, flaxs and many more. we were spilt in to three groups, one group went to flaxing, second group went to clay carving and then the last one went to do art on a rock. Where I went was clay carving. first we had to learn some maori art. there were four different of art, there was the piko, the mangopare, oranga and the te aho ma tua. we had to fold the paper into four pages. then we drawed the piko, it was easy because it was kinda like a wave. the mangopare was kinda difficult because it was kinda like a shark and a sting ray. Oranga was like the heart of te fiti. not really hard. then there was the th aho ma tua. it was a bit hard but I done good. after that all the other groups had finish then we sang a song.
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
On the 23th of June we were learning how to play rugby. first we had to go get our belt and our tag. there were two tag, one was red and the other one was green. our first lesson was how to pass. The people that had green had to go on the right side of the court and then the red had to do the same. we had to stay in line and pass the ball down the line and back, then it was a challenge we had to pass it back and forth really fast. then it was a tie. our next lesson passing the ball around. there were two team, red and green. each team has two corners diagonal to each other. I was doing long passing to our goal so we could get our point. it was a tie again. after that we had to take off our tag and our belts. then we had a game of ballrush. I enjoy rugby, hopefully we could do it next week
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Thursday, 11 June 2020
to know the formula of the pyramid and the success criteria. it was fun to
created all these shapes and calculate the measurement of them.
please don't judge my work i tried my best.
DLO: Earthworms
I started to learn about earthworms not long ago. it was cool to learn about worms and we even saw them in person. about worms they are very useful to the soil so there is nothing to hurt them or throw them.
Friday, 5 June 2020
hold button fast for Animation
I chose this Animation because i wanted to do a hard one and this was an actual anime.
this took me the whole day to do. it has 254 slides. every single thing here is all made by iraia and I.
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
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